Dne 14.5.2024 proběhlo ve Smetanově síni Obecního domu v Praze slavnostní vyhlášení výsledků Národní soutěže muzeí GLORIA MUSAEALIS 2023. V kate...
Dne 27.4.2023 proběhlo slavnostní otevření expozice, která prošla mezi lety 2021-2023 generální rekonstrukcí. Dnes nabízí pohled do válečné historie...
Nová stálá expozice ART, LIFE. UMĚNÍ PRO ŽIVOT, na jejíž realizaci jsme se podíleli, se otevírá dne 8.2.2023 veřejnosti. https://www.upm.cz/art-li...
Muzeum Jana Amose Komenského Uherský Brod https://www.mjakub.cz/ Expozice Jana Amose Komenského, kterou jsme spoluvytvářeli, je nominována do ...
Our company actively participated in the reconstruction of the NKP Strakonice Castle by securing the supply of computer equipment, electronics and so...
Delivery of PC kiosks including SW for content editing, projection, sound and exposure control. Investor: Town Hrotovice Year: 2018
Delivery of projectors and touch kiosks. Investor: Museum Novojicinska Year: 2018
Sound system in indoor hall and outdoor area. Investor: ZEMSKÝ HŘEBČINEC TLUMAČOV s.p.o. Year: 2017
Supply: PC kiosks, projection, video wall, sound system. Complete exposition control. Investor: Museum of the Capital of Prague Year: 2017
Supply: PC kiosks, projection, sound system, complete exposition control. Investor: Museum of the capital of Prague Year: 2016 - 2017
Supply of PC kiosks, projection, sound, audio quide. Investor: Wallachian Open Air Museum in Roznov pod Radhostem Year: 2016
Supply of PC kiosks and childrenś stands with audio player. Investor: Nation Gallery in Prague Year: 2016
Supply of projection technology and sound projection. Investor: The Capital City Prague Year: 2016
A/V technology and interactive elements supply, exposition control. Investor: Castle Žďár nad Sázavou Year: 2016 Presentation video HERE. Link...
Projection and audio technology supply. Investor: Vodárenská a.s. Třebíč Year: 2015
Supply of projection technology, touch tablets with special kiosk software and editable content. Investor: Eastern Bohemia Museum Pardubice Year: ...
Supply of audio and video technology to exposition. Functional replica casting of historical speakers. Investor: The City of Prague Museum Year: 2...
Audio and information technology supply. Software and other electornics for childrenś program. Investor: Castle Litomyšl Year: 2015
Audio technology in fitness center Žilina. Investor: Ronniegym Year: 2014
Supply of AV technology for unique project 10 Stars. Project, thanks to which the Jewish synagogues and rabbiś houses were reconstructed. There is ins...
Audio technology in exposition and conference rooms. Supply of complete mini-cinema 7.1., projectors and screens. Investor: Central Bohemian Region ...
Complete installation of loudspeakers AQ - profi line. Supply of disco lights and effects including control. Year: 2013
Complete supply of audio technology in bowland and restaurant. Centrally controlled system via tablet. Investor: Bowland bowling center Year: 2013...
Supply of AV technology, interactive kiosks, projection, audio technology. Investor: Velehrad Year: 2013
Supply of A/V technology for history and archeology exposition. combined dual-projection, audio technology, large format touch screen incl. production...
Supply of loudspeakers for sound format Auro 11.1, new finished ceiling loudspeakers AQ DC 915 specially for this format. Investor: Louny Year: 20...
Complete realization of language laboratory. Investor: Eduka Year: 2013
Complete realization of video projection in classrooms. Investor: ZŠ Bílá Lhota Year: 2012
Supply of audio technology for cinema Sušice. Investor: Městský úřad Trutnov Year: 2012